Tuesday, February 11, 2025 - 07:24 CET


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“With the club and the apparatus surrounding it, how much does it control your life?” Annika Momrak asking the important questions

NRK host Annika Momrak and Ingrid Syrstad Engen of FC Barcelona on the Norwegian reality show “Dama Til” / NRK

Change out of the kit, put the boots away, step off the grass, walk past the trophy cabinet that doesn’t speak or acknowledge, forget practice or even a press conference for once. Take the sport away in a day and who do athletes become? What you’ll find is a human being. Ultimately, a game is only an accumulation of numbers, or lack thereof. Winning and losing in life is more common to us. Beyond the context of sport, professional athletes are rarely dissociated from their profession, which usually tends to be their passion, and assumed to be a nonstop race horse. More recognised as a number on the back within a playing surface surrounded by an arena of spectators; An almost eerily Romanesque reminder of gladiators arises. Similar to gladiators, all modern athletes sacrifice their lives in one way or another.

A sweet treat this week for Barcelona fans. Along with TV connoisseurs who might just happen to tune into the Norwegian network NRK, the show “Dama Til” was able to give that escape from football or any ball, even if only for a moment. “Dama Til” in Norwegian translates to “girlfriend of”. In both Danish and Swedish, the translation is similar enough to understand the gist of it. And for those who still might still not comprehend the meaning, to make the show entertaining, host Annika Momrak (of no football relation) follows certain Norwegian public personalities around for about the duration of a week, sarcastically pretending to be the “girlfriend of” these said public personalities with a camera crew as an entry level access point for getting to know them, and who they are behind closed doors, better. The special guest on this week’s “Dama Til” episode presented by NRK TV was Ingrid Syrstad Engen, FC Barcelona starlet and Norway international who signed with the club in 2021.

The 26-year old native of Melhus Municipality has been an essential bolt in the Champions League winning defensive machine after coming out of her shell, expanding her talents as more than a traditional midfielder and proven her longevity with the club, on an extended contract until 2025. Engen and Caroline Graham Hansen represent 2/3 Scandinavian Culers on the roster, representing talent from all over the world. Beloved Swede Fridolina Rolfö joined sunny Barcelona the same summer as Engen.

A fascinating fan favourite and Instagram expert with 500K followers, Engen’s TV debut was an ideal, natural and enjoyable deep dive that detailed her personality and lifestyle much more than solely touching on topics related to football. A fan on X (Twitter) was able to add English subtitles for those who were vested in watching from abroad. Now, our Norwegian is sub-par, still needing Duolingo lessons, so here is what was learned about Ingrid in just under a 40-minute episode. Witty and welcoming.

Conversing at Ullevaal Stadion in Oslo / NRK

Interviewer: “With the club and the apparatus surrounding it, how much does it control your life?” Can you drive a motorcycle?”

Ingrid: “No. I can’t go skiing. I can’t drive electric scooters. It sounds like they actually control a bit more than I thought.”

Ingrid: “I’m actually a bit dutiful, I like to do the right things.”

Interviewer: “How many days in a year are you home?”

Ingrid: “Maybe a bit over half at least.”

Interviewer: Half you say, but can I join or how is it? Can you take your girlfriend (me) with you?”

Ingrid: It’s not something you do, taking your girlfriend to team gathering(s). I don’t think it’s allowed.”

Ingrid: “I only have vacation in July. I’m rarely in Norway. So that is a problem.”

Interviewer: “This is fun!” (sarcastically)

Later on, after a flat tour in Barcelona conveniently located close to training facilities, the interview headed to Norway where both Caroline Graham Hansen and Engen had national team duties. A flight from Barcelona to Oslo is on average 3 and a half hours, while some footage was recorded in the Barcelona team store at the airport.

Interviewer: “A baby kit. That is the cutest thing I have seen.”

Ingrid: “Just became an aunt!”

Interviewer: “Do you want kids?”

Ingrid: “Yeah.”

Interviewer: “How many kids do you want?”

Ingrid: “Two maybe… You can get them but I need to wait until after my career.”

Some merchandise was then bought at the front counter in the Barcelona store.

Interviewer, nodding to Cashier: “Does he know you play for Barcelona?”

Ingrid: “I don’t know.”

Interviewer, to Cashier: “Excuse me, do you know that she plays on Barcelona?”

Cashier: “I do!” (blushes)

Interviewer: “You know? Okay good, just wanted to check.”

Cashier: “She is famous!” (laughs)

Ingrid, to Interviewer: “He was nice not to say anything.”

To keep it rated PG, one question Ingrid refused answer was “Who is the most annoying teammate?”, and kindly declined a glass of champagne offered by Annika. Last, but not least, the episode made it to Norway where she calls home, with a solemn tone and sense of sometimes feeling alone. Ullevaal Stadion in Oslo, home to Norway’s men’s and women’s teams, set the scene after an open practice session to the public.

Interviewer, walking to bench: “I feel it’s like 90% of being a football girlfriend is to wait.”

Ingrid: “I’ve been waiting here for you.” (laughs)

Interviewer: “I just had to talk to some fans (like you do). You are so kind to the fans.”

Ingrid: “Yes, you have to, you have to set up. There are many younger people who have us as inspiration.”

Ingrid: We didn’t have that many to look up to, women’s football was not as large and accessible… So it’s pretty cool now to be able to see what it’s like, it’s so much more visible.”

Interviewer: “You have another match soon? You have very little time here at home.”

Ingrid: “Yes, I have to go to Italy.”

Interviewer: “There is no chance you could make it to my concert with the choir?” (humorously)

Ingrid: “I wish I could. You have stood up for me all week, been on match. Came to training. That is perhaps the most negative thing about being involved with me.”

And so it was during that business trip to Italy, Norway ended up tying 1-1. Despite the score outcome, certainly a lot to appreciate and learn from the point of view not of a professional footballer but from somebody who does not get to spend a lot of time with friends and family, can speak three languages, keeps her apartment nice and tidy, and wishes she was more spontaneous. Much to think about, as footballers are much more than statistics or goal scorers. Behind every athlete is a dreamer, a sleeper, a laugher (as shown below), an alarm hater, and (rarely) late just like you and me.